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Entry into the Strait of Bonifacio


120409 hours.

Near the minefields, the CC.FF.NN.BB. he ordered everyone "Assume the GE11 gearbox"

The units had to proceed in line in a row, so the formation of the FF.NN.BB. was the following: at the head the torpedo boat group followed by the 7th Division, the 8th and the 9th and the destroyers in close escort.

121209 hours -

The CC.FF.NN.BB. he gave the following order to the Parent Company Pegaso: Freedom of maneuver to enter the port.

121409 hours -

The CC.FF.NN.BB. he ordered the 7th Division: "Conduct the navigation from now until La Maddalena". The 7th Division received this order and approached 45 ° to the left, to take the safety route that led to the Strait of Bonifacio.

121509 hours.

Admiral Bergamini, in anticipation of the meeting that he would have in the short term with the English naval authorities in the Allied port that would be communicated to him in La Maddalena, instructed his aide di Bandiera, Lieutenant Ettore Uncini, to obtain information for know the names of the Roma officials who had a good command of the English language.

122509 hours

At La Maddalena the Marine Command, the protected headquarters, the telegraph station and the various traffic lights were occupied by the Germans.

Lieutenant Venerando Visconti, communications officer of Marisardegna, warned Supermarina, through the radio station of the tugboat Nereo, present in the port of La Maddalena, "Piazza della Maddalena blocked by the Germans".


Supermarina manages to get in touch, by teleprinter, with Admiral Brivonesi who announced that he was "virtually a prisoner of the Germans" and asked Admiral Sansonetti to "immediately inform Admiral Bergamini of the situation, who is now with the Fleet in the Gulf dell'Asinara "..

Supermarina therefore decided that:

  • the FF.NN.BB. directed to La Maddalena, they should have directed to Bona;

  • the torpedo boats bound for La Maddalena would have headed for Piombino;

  • CCTT Antonio Da Noli and Ugolino Vivaldi, headed to La Maddalena, should have gone to Bona joining the FF.NN.BB ..

Furthermore, Supermarina asked the Allies for the possibility of ensuring air protection to the FF.NN.BB .. The response of the Allies was negative, however, as the Fleet was in an area too far from their operational bases. to ensure air protection to the FF.NN.BB .. The response of the Allies, however, was negative as the fleet was in an area too far from their operational bases.


Spotting a German plane, the air alarm was given and approached to the left with a course of 120 °

132 hours 109

Hours 133009.

The speed was reduced to 20 knots. The 12th destroyer squadron was ordered to take the stern of the Vittorio Veneto. He then approached to the left with a course of 110 °

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