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Attachment "A" to collection no. 12,632




Art.1 - Name and duration

In accordance with  of the rules of the Civil Code regarding unrecognized associations, a non-profit Cultural Association called "Regia Nave Roma - Cultural Association" with registered office in Rome is established.

The Association has an unlimited duration.

Art. 2 - Aims and purposes

The aims of the association are:

-  the collection, cataloging and dissemination of historical documents concerning the Regia Nave Roma, which sank in the waters of Sardinia on 9 September 1943;

-  the promotion of forums, seminars, conferences and meetings concerning the Regia Nave Roma and the cataloging and editing of documents relating to the same;

- study, propose, publish and make available to members and to the public documents, images and films concerning the Regia Nave Roma;

- participate, and encourage the participation of its members, in initiatives and events related to the world of the Italian Navy and military history in general;

- participate, through its representation, in similar initiatives even where the cognitive contribution of the Association is requested or proposed;

- foster the integration between the ship's veterans and their descendants and with the Italian Navy;

- organize meetings and training and information programs, also in collaboration with the cultural authorities and the Italian Navy, on the ship, its crew and in particular on what is available regarding the decisions of the Commander of Battle Naval Forces Admiral Bergamini, in the tragic days of the Armistice;

-  to establish a specialized library / bookstore also favoring the editing, by members and non-members, of texts on the  Regia Nave Roma and on any possible implication;

- create and manage your own website as a vehicle for information on initiatives and for the publication of documents collected by the association;

- to create opportunities and points of encounter and discussion between the ship's veterans, their descendants, historians, specialized journalists and the authorities in general;

- undertake any other initiative that is necessary, or simply  utile, for the pursuit of associative purposes.

In order to allow the pursuit of its institutional purposes, the association may request contributions, also in the form of subsidized loans, from the State, public bodies, international or supranational organizations or private individuals.

Art. 3 - Assets, financial year and budget

The assets consist of:

a) from membership fees;

b) from movable and immovable property that will become the property of the association;

c) any disbursements, donations and bequests;

The income of the association consists of:

a) from membership fees;

b) income deriving from activities related to the corporate purpose possibly carried out also towards third parties and from participation in events, seminars, etc .;

c) from any other non-commercial income that may contribute to increasing the company's assets.

For the entire duration of the Association it is not allowed to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.

In the event of dissolution, the assets are devolved according to the decisions of the Assembly of associates, which decides on the dissolution.

The financial year ends on December 31 of each year and coincides with the calendar year.

The first financial year will close on 31 December 2011.

The Board of Directors proceeds, no later than the fourth month from the end of the financial year, to the preparation of the final balance. The approved final balance sheets are published on the Association's website for 7 days from the date of the meeting in which the approval was made.

Art. 4 - Associates

Natural and legal persons or entities that share the aims and purposes for which the Association was established may be admitted to participate in the association as associates, without distinction by citizenship, religion, ethnic group and cultural origin, provided that of civil and democratic sentiments and behaviors.

Membership of the Association is voluntary and open, but nevertheless commits the associates to respect the resolutions taken by its representative bodies, according to the statutory powers and subject to the right of withdrawal. Access to the association, as an associate, takes place through the presentation of a specific application for registration to the board of directors. Membership is final only after any explicit ratification by the Governing Council or after thirty days have elapsed from the date of submission of the application through the tacit consent mechanism. Associates are divided into three categories:

a) ordinary members, who are obliged to pay the dues to the extent established annually by the assembly;

b) honorary associates, of which all veterans of the Regia Nave Roma are part by right, who have no obligation to pay shares;

c) supporting associates, who pay the fees freely, but in any case not lower than what is established annually by the assembly for ordinary members.

Members have the right to use the services and benefits provided by the association to all members.

Art. 5 - Termination of the associative relationship

The quality of associate is lost due to death, resignation, arrears, unworthiness and for all those reasons that the assembly should, at its sole discretion, consider valid and decisive. The arrears will be declared by the President, in the event of non-payment of the membership fees, where it is evident the impossibility of recovering the previous fees.

Art. 6 - Corporate Bodies:

The bodies of the Association are:

a) the Assembly of associates;

b) the President;

c) the Board of Directors.

Only adult members who are registered with the Association, without interruption and in good standing with the payments of membership fees, for at least three years are entitled to assume social positions.

Art. 7 - The Assembly

Ordinary, honorary and supporter members are summoned to the meeting by the President by means of direct written communication to each member, or by posting at the association's headquarters, or by fax or e-mail, finally, by publication on the Association's website. "" at least 5 days before the date set for the meeting, the notice of call containing the agenda, date and time of the meeting.

The assembly must be convened by the President, also upon motivated request and signed by at least one tenth of the ordinary members. The assembly must be convened in the offices of the association or in another location indicated in the notice of call and may also take place electronically.

In any case, the assembly must be called at least once a year by 30 June.

The assembly resolves:

- on the addresses and general directives of the association;

- on the approval of the budgets and final accounts;

- on the appointment of the President, the Vice President and the members of the Board of Directors;

- on amendments to the articles of association;

- on the dissolution of the association;

-  on any other matter that the President deems appropriate to submit to it.

The appointment of the President, the Vice-President and the members of the Board of Directors must take place among the members on the basis of candidacies signed by at least one fifth of the members on first call and by one tenth of the members on second call to be held no earlier than ten days from the first. convocation. The assembly has the right to dismiss the President and the Vice President for justified reasons.

All members have the right to attend the assembly and, if they have reached the age of majority, the right to vote. The exercise of the right to vote is prohibited to the member who is not up to date with the payment of the annual membership fee.

The inhibition ends with the regularization of the membership fee.

Associates may be represented by other associates. The same associate cannot represent more than two associates.

The assembly is chaired by the President or in his absence by a high member of the Board of Directors in case of absence of the members of the Board of Directors by an associate elected by the Assembly.

The Chairman of the meeting appoints a secretary and, if he deems it, two scrutineers.

It is up to the Chairman of the meeting to ascertain the regularity of the proxies and in general the right to attend and vote.

The Chairman directs the meeting, grants and removes the floor, maintains order and can expel those who disturb the regular course of the meeting.

Minutes of the meetings of the Assembly are drawn up, signed by the President and the secretary and possibly by the scrutineers. The assemblies are validly constituted in the first call with the presence of the majority of the members and in the second call with the presence of three or more members. The assemblies deliberate by majority of those present. In the event of a tie, the vote of the President prevails.

The vote is expressed without formalities unless one or more members request, for specific resolutions, the vote by secret ballot.

Art. 8 - The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors decides on the guidelines and activities of the Association and on any question the assembly deems to delegate to it. In order to guarantee the freedom of choice of the members, the board of directors, notwithstanding the provisions of art. 7, fifth paragraph, of this statute, has the right to propose a candidate for the offices of President and members of the Governing Council, in the event that at least two separate candidates for each office have not been proposed.

All the members of the Board of Directors remain in office for 4 years and are eligible for re-election.

In particular, the board of directors:

-  regulates and organizes social activities;

- determines the amount of the shares;

- coadiuva the president in the preparation of the budget and final accounts;

- accepts or refuses voluntary contributions, donations and bequests;

-  appoints specific committees, determining their attributions and powers within the limits of this statute, made up of members and aimed at the best pursuit of the institutional purposes of the Association;

- ratifies the appointment of new members;

-  approves or rejects the requests for the establishment of Sections and their eventual Statute;

- resolves on the transfer of the associative seat always in the city of Rome;

The association is administered by the Board of Directors freely elected by the assembly from among the members.

The Board of Directors is invested with the widest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association and in the exercise of which it is required to respect the directives received from the Assembly.

The Board of Directors may also delegate, permanently or temporarily, specific administrative and treasury functions to the President and / or Vice President.

Art. 9 - The President and Honorary President

The President legally represents the association towards third parties and in court and takes care of the execution of the deliberations of the assembly. In his justified absence, these functions are assumed by the Vice President.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no compensation is due to the Chairman. The association can also establish a reimbursement of expenses on a lump sum basis.

The President hires employees and clerks, determining their salaries.

The President may confer specific tasks on ordinary and honorary members.

The assembly can appoint and revoke an honorary president of the association even outside the members. The choice must fall on a person who has distinguished himself in public and private activity, culture, science or art. Therefore, it will represent the image of the association and will be able to participate in the assemblies without the right to vote.

Art. 10 - Dissolution

The dissolution of the association is deliberated by the assembly with the favorable vote of at least two thirds of the signatories of this deed.

 The assembly will appoint one or more liquidators and decide on the transfer of the assets.

Art. 11 - Disputes

All possible social disputes between members and between them and the association or its bodies, will be devolved to a single arbitrator, appointed by the President of the Court of Rome, who, regardless of the rules of law, will decide as a friendly composer pro bono et equo that is, according to fairness, but respecting the adversarial principle.





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